Nathalie Faubert, MIES, is a lighting designer working at Cline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design. She has worked on projects in the hospitality, educational, commercial, and residential fields. Her project work at CBBLD is published in numerous design industry magazines, with articles appearing in Architectural Digest, Architectural Record, Interior Design and Oculus. She has an BS in Interior Design and a MA in Lighting Design. She has been teaching lighting design to BFA and MPS-L students at NYSID since 2014.
Director, MPS in Lighting Design
Shaun Fillion, Educator IALD, is an award winning lighting designer with two decades of lighting design experience and a decade of experience as an educator. Fillion was recognized with an Illumination Award (Grace Church, NYC), the IESNA Section Service Award and the Princess Grace Award. As Lighting Studio Manager for RAB Lighting, Shaun Fillion is responsible for meeting performance targets for the studio, providing guidance and growth. Fillion is secretary of the IES Progress Committee and the Libraries RP committee, as well as advisory member of the Residential Lighting Committee. Fillion serves on the board of managers for the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) of North America, New York City Chapter, and serves as adviser to the Student Lighting Competition Committee. He is a certified instructor for AGi32.
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean
Ellen started at NYSID as faculty member in 1999, later becoming lower division area coordinator, associate vice president for academic affairs, and ultimately, VP for academic affairs and dean in 2012. Fisher is a NYS certified interior designer with graduate degrees in teaching with technology and architectural studies. She earned a PhD in Architectural Studies/Human Environmental Sciences from the University of Missouri in 2011. For many years, she maintained an active design practice. Her areas of expertise include evidence-based design, design & literacy, and digital learning.
Rachel Fletcher is a geometer and teacher of geometry and proportion to design practitioners. She holds an MFA in Theatre Design from Humboldt State University, an MA in Dramatic Literature from SUNY Albany, and a BS in Theatre from Hofstra University. Her latest book is Infinite Measure: Learning to Design in Geometric Harmony with Art, Architecture and Nature.
Ph.D., The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
M.Phil, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
BA, MA, Hunter College