Student Design Rooms in Nantucket

A group of NYSID students have been invited by the Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) to design two rooms in the Jethro Coffin House, the oldest house on Nantucket.

Recently, BFA students Faith Hoops and Emily Kent, and MFA-1 students Tom Elka and Larissa Moutrier traveled with NYSID's dean, Ellen Fisher, to Nantucket to survey the building and investigate on-island resources for their project. Here the students are pictured with (from L to R) NHA representatives Stacey Stuart and Maureen Fennessy Bousa, with Dean Fisher on the top right.


Their designs will be displayed as part of Nantucket by Design, which will take place August 2 -7, 2016. The NHA’s artifact collections and iconic historic properties will be featured prominently during the show, highlighting the association’s mission to tell the inspiring stories of Nantucket. Students will also have a chance to attend design programs such as the design luncheon, all-star design panel, an evening of design and the New Party at the Oldest House where they will be available to talk about their work with visitors.

Special thanks to the generous supporters that made this class and project possible:
Jill Hoffer Dienst, Dienst + Dotter Antikviteter
Alexa Hampton
Ike Kligerman Barkley
David Scott Interiors 
Michael I. and Patricia M. Sovern
Maria and Bill Spears


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