NYSID's New Alumni Mentorship Program

NYSID recently launched a new Alumni Mentorship program -- a pairing of current students and alumni to enhance a student’s life at NYSID. The program required that students and alumni meet six to eight times per semester.  There was an enthusiastic response from both undergraduate to graduate students, with more than 30 applications.

“We structured the program for alumni to help students set priorities, coaching them on specific classes and portfolio development to help support the whole student,“ said Karen Higginbotham, Dean of Students. “This is not an internship or work situation, it is a personal and professional growth opportunity for both student and alumni.”

Eight students were selected based on their applications, essays, and personal interviews and then carefully paired with the appropriate alum.
Below is a list of students/mentor pairs for 2013/14.

1) Deepti Sahu (AAS) is paired with Mandi Marsh (Class of 2010), interior designer, Switzer. 

2) Evgenya Epelbaum (MFA 1) is paired with Nick Domitrovich (Class of 2012), interior designer, ICRAVE.

3) Kathleen Finley (BA) is paired with Zendy Nevado (Class of 2012), interior designer, David Scott Interiors. 

4) Matthew Giampietro (MFA 1) is paired with Drew McGukin (Class of 2010), founder and principal designer, Drew McGukin Interiors.   

5) Yuanyuan Ma (BFA) is paired with Yiannos Vrousgos (Class of 2010), co-founder, Input Creative Studio.  

6) Rebecca Snell (MPS H) is paired with Shannon Andrews (Class of 2011), interior designer, Cannon Design.

7) Kerri Rappaport (BFA) is paired with Liz Battin (Class of 2012), interior designer, Marie Aiello Design Studio.

8) Peter Agnew (AAS) is paired with Lawrence Levy (Class of 2005), principal interior designer, Marie Aiello Design Studio.

There are eight pairs of student/alumni this academic year, with plans to grow the program.  We’ll be profiling several of their stories in upcoming blog. So check back soon!

pictured: Nick Domitrovich (alum) and Evgenya Epelbaum (student)

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