399 Architectural Photography in the Urban Landscape

Lecture Credits: 1, No prerequisites

Over four days, students will intensively explore and photograph the urban landscape of a city or town. The group will visit iconic architectural sites, viewing architecture, interiors, and the urban environment through the lens of the visual artist. Students will meet once before and once after the trip to plan and then present their work. The course may be taken Pass/Fail, but all students will be required to prepare a portfolio of their photographs from the trip to present to the instructor for comments and a grade.

415 Senior Project Preparation

Lecture Credits: 2, No prerequisites

This research-based course for students in the BA program lays the foundation for the Senior Project course to be taken in the following semester. In consultation with the faculty and through guided research, students will select an appropriate topic for their senior project. Students will write a research proposal, summarizing their preliminary research, articulating a research question, and describing the scope of their senior project.

417 Thesis Preparation

Studio Credits: 1, Prerequisites: 160, 334, 386

This course lays the foundation for the thesis project to be executed in the following semester. In consultation with the faculty, students will select an appropriate project type, determine the site to be used, prepare existing condition drawings, gather and analyze relevant environment-behavior research, and write a project statement and program.

418 Thesis Preparation

Studio Credits: 2, Prerequisites: 160, 334, 386

This course lays the foundation for the thesis project to be executed in the following semester. In consultation with the faculty, students will select an appropriate project type, determine the site to be used, prepare existing condition drawings, gather and analyze relevant environment-behavior research, and write a project statement and program.

432 Advanced Graphic Communications II

Studio Credits: 2, Prerequisites: 332 or 640

This advanced studio requires students to integrate their digital, hand-drawing and rendering skills through the completion of a series of projects exploring qualities of light, materials, and perspective views, to create compelling and realistic images. Adobe Photoshop is also explored as a support tool in the development of these images. In addition, students learn how to translate AutoCAD 3D models to 3D Studio and to create complex three-dimensional models which otherwise would be impossible to create in AutoCAD.

442 Furniture Design

Studio Credits: 3, Prerequisites: 231

This design studio focuses on the aesthetic and functional issues related to the creation of custom, freestanding furniture. The design and production of both hard and soft goods are covered. Special attention is given to anthropometric and ergonomic considerations, as well as the use of the metric system in the design of a furniture piece.

476 Contract Design III

Studio Credits: 3, Prerequisites: 386

Students research, develop, and analyze data and design criteria for a substantial project involving diverse populations. This advanced studio requires students to incorporate the skills and knowledge gained throughout their studies to create a comprehensive project, including presentation drawings, models, materials and furniture boards, detail drawings, and specifications.

485 Senior Project

Lecture Credits: 4, Prerequisites: 415

The Senior Project is the culmination of the BA degree program. Students implement the project identified and researched in the Senior Project Preparation course. Students must present their work to a committee of professionals, and all projects are exhibited in a poster display in the annual student exhibition in May.

486 Contract Design III

Studio Credits: 4, Prerequisites: 417, 231, 271

The thesis is the culminating interior design studio project of the BFA program. Students implement the project identified and researched in the Thesis Preparation course. Students must present their work to a jury of professionals, and all projects are exhibited in a thesis exhibition.

487 Thesis

Studio Credits: 4, Prerequisites: 417, 231, 271

The thesis is the culminating interior design studio project of the BFA program. Students implement the project identified and researched in the Thesis Preparation course. Students must present their work to a jury of professionals, and all projects are exhibited in a thesis exhibition.

490 Internship

Variable Credits: 2 or 3, Prerequisites: 228

This course offers elective academic credit for college-monitored work experience, and is open to students matriculated in the BFA or BA degree program who have accumulated 90 credits or more and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0. It is designed to build on skills already learned in the classroom and to acquire new ones. Students have the opportunity to integrate theory and practice and to gain professional experience. An internship for 3 credits consists of 240 hours of contact time at the job placement site. An internship for 2 credits consists of 160 hours of contact time at the job placement site. Grading is Pass/Fail only.

500 Advanced Independent Study

Credits: 3, Prerequisites: Approval of the VP of Academic Affairs

This course option allows the advanced student with a 3.5 GPA or better to create an individual program of study with a faculty member. Students are required to present an outline of their intended study to the dean for approval prior to registration and must present their final project to a faculty jury. This study course may be taken for elective credit only.