An Open Letter to the NYSID Community about AAPI Hate Crimes

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Dear NYSID Community,

Across the country, people are speaking out about this past year’s rise in hate crimes against the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.

At NYSID, we feel these violent acts keenly as we embrace the diverse population we are part of in New York City, and see ourselves, our family and/or our friends and colleagues among those who are too often targeted. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission in coordination with the College asks for all students, faculty, staff, and alumni to actively reject expressions of discrimination and hate against any individual or group of individuals.

Students experiencing anxiety, fear, depression, or a need to voice their feelings re: their personal experiences should reach out to Dr. Penni Morganstein at our Counseling Center or their student advisors. We hope you’ll also find the resource links included at the bottom of this letter helpful.

The horrific recent events in Atlanta underscore our need to reiterate that we cannot, will not tolerate the isolation of any group and we must continue to educate ourselves and others on how to identify, diffuse, reject and protect against discrimination in all its forms. We hope you’ll find the resource links included at the bottom of this letter helpful. We will be launching a NYSID DEI web page to provide updates on the DEI Commission activities, relevant college events and to offer links to resources.


Cheryl Durst, NYSID DEI Commission Co-Chair
Leyden Lewis, NYSID DEI Commission Co-Chair
Jennifer Melendez, NYSID DEI Commission Co-Chair
David Sprouls, President, New York School of Interior Design

AAPI Related Resources

Stand Against Hatred
Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAAJ) and Hollaback are offering free one-hour bystander intervention training to stop Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment
Donate to organizations vetted by GoFundMe to support the AAPI community’s resource list

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