New York School of Interior Design

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Q&A: Marisa Marcantonio

Marisa Marcantonio is an interior design branding and marketing consultant and founder of the widely read design blog, Stylebeat. She is a contributing editor and editor TV host at Editor at Large and was previously the style editor for House Beautiful and O at Home.  

Marisa teaches blogging and marketing at NYSID’s Institute for Continuing & Professional Studies. Marisa is teaching two classes this semester, The Medium is the Message: Social Media and Digital Marketing and Blogging Basics. The Medium is the Message is running this Thursday, March 20, 9:30 – 11am at the New York Design Center (NYDC), which hosts several NYSID classes each semester.

NYSID:  How did you become interested in blogging and social media?
Marisa: I started my blog back in 2006, after being a magazine editor, as a place to share interiors and market coverage that caught my eye. My readers consider me their eyes and ears in the New York design community, which helps them make more informed choices for their clients.

NYSID: What is your take on how social media, particularly the visual platforms, Instagram and Pinterest, have impacted the interior design industry?
Instagram is a chance to provide a minute-to-minute behind the scenes look at one's life.  Pinterest, is a place to file away all of the visual inspiration that speaks to your life and work. The photos that garner the most sharing interest are lush, aspirational and engaging.

Why is this important for interior designers to embrace?
 I think its about responding to change, and being able to have a voice that shares what you do best. These are additional vehicles to promote work, and influence those with like-minded style that might one day come across your work and hire you.

Can you share a particular story or incident that really demonstrates the way in which an opportunity came to you through social media marketing, that would not exist otherwise?
Potential clients reach out to me, they have gotten to know my eye and skill set through my blog.  At the Architectural Digest show, for example, I came across a booth that showcased beautiful handmade telephone tables in exotic skins in the style of Karl Springer. I spoke to the owner, Eileen Johnson, and it turned out she reads my blog daily.  You just never know who you are reaching, so being in the conversation is key.
This class is focused on the networking aspects of social media. If someone cannot join your class can you share one tip they can implement…until the next class is offered?
Networking runs both ways, being at events and product launches in person supplements what you can create online. It is the beginning of getting to know someone, but the established conversation continues when you meet face to face.  Nuances and personalities for the job at hand become realized, and the client relationship can grow from there.

Thank you, Marisa!

Marisa's class and several others offered will be held at the New York Design Center.