New York School of Interior Design

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Dahee Goak

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design

Proposals: to develop an idea on tiny homes to help create better homes and living environments. Living on a moto of less is moreā€¦ creating a simple and efficient living space for the busy environment outside the brick walls.

The expenses of living are expensive, especially for people in the city, they would rather pay more than to commute from a further distance. And the price for these homes are not cheap and also less living space on top of the outrageous price. On the mission to create homes with less but more. Homes that are actually all built in with full options and all the clients have to bring are their personals. There would be no worries for expanding on their families because the built in structure would be redesigned for their new incoming families.

Benefit of this is that they could spend more money on quality architecture and less on quantity rubbish space.